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Cracks in marriage.

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My partner and I are alienated.

Relatie groei uit elkaar

The fairytale marriage turns out to show more and more cracks over time. A lot of time is lost in the daily routine of work, household, and family obligations. The real test of the relation takes place after one or more major events. For example, things like disease, dismissal, building a house, having children, and dying loved ones are moments, when the ultimate test of the strength of your relationship takes place. One grows together, the other just alienates.

Wat is going on?

In other relationships, that is more a slow process, but with the same result. It is worth discussing what is going on together. Visits to relationship therapists, social workers and other care providers are not effective, as it must go through between day-to-day concerns. For example, it is difficult to really distance yourself and discuss topics in depth.

In our practice it often appears that the mutual feeling is still there, but that an accumulation of miscommunication exacerbates the problems. We offer the opportunity to literally distance yourself under expert guidance.

Awareness and solutions

Together to shape a process of awareness and work on solutions. A few days of fully cared for inspiration and energy in Puerto de la Cruz. A beautiful port town in the green north of the Canary Island of Tenerife.

If you want to revive the fairy tale, please call Peter:
info@restarttenerife.com / +31 6 207 124 38

effective realistic involved

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